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Fall Sports Update Information

Rome-Floyd Parks and Rec

Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation continues to plan for a fall sports season. We also know this is a bit of a crazy time, and we want to try to answer a few questions we have been getting through email, social media, phone calls and more.

If I register my child for a fall sport and it gets cancelled, will I get a refund?

Yes. Anyone who registers for a fall sport that ends up being cancelled can either get a refund or have the registration moved to a winter or spring sport.

If I signed my child up for a spring sport and didn’t get a refund, can I use that credit for a fall sport?

Yes. Anyone who chose to have a credit instead of a refund before spring sports were cancelled can use that credit to register for a fall sport.

How do I use the credit for fall?

Please call our front office at 706.291.0766, and our staff can help with the process.

When will recreational gymnastics programs resume?

In compliance with state and Floyd County COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions, the recreational gymnastics programs run by Rome Aerials is on hold until further notice. The programs on hold include Tot Time, Open Gym, birthday parties, all recreational gymnastics classes and field trips.

For information about Competitive Team Gymnastics, please contact Coach Chloe by email at

For information regarding Recreational Gymnastics, please contact Lindsey Glass at

When will fall sports start?

Fall sports registrations were pushed back a bit, and we are working on developing a practice schedule. Team formation and practice schedules won’t be finalized until regular registration ends.

How do I register for fall sports?

Visit our web site at, call our office at 706.291.0766 or come to our office in person at 1 Shorter Avenue. All fall sports are currently in early registration until August 14. Regular registration runs from Aug. 15 to Sept. 1 and last-chance registration is Sept. 2 to 8. The early registration discount applies to all sports.

Do you need coaches or officials?

We are always looking for officials and volunteer coaches. If you would like to coach or officiate, please contact Rick Haase by email at or Jeremiah Blanton by email at

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